Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Crazy Day

So I'm finally getting stressed about moving - mainly since the appraisal occured today and we have NOTHING, not a thing packed! We'll find out in the next few days if the appraisal went through ok, and if it did, we will close shortly after. YIPEE!! Now, it's time to pick out countertops and the last little pieces to the new home.

Side note - if you are looking for a new job, look no further:

Apparently it pays about $80k a year, but living in NYC or LA you def. need that kind of money.

As for me, it will be off to grad school hopefully in the Fall, if not the Fall, Spring. It will be a fully online program, Masters in Library Science. My director would like for me to go back to school to hopefully one day take her spot. So I'll be taking my GRE's next month and applying to so far just two colleges. Texas Women's University and Clarion University. Though I keep looking everyday for other schools with the program!

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