Thursday, January 29, 2009


Happy Birthday to my sister, Danielle!!! Happy Birthday!! Again thank you for the lovely bridal shower this past weekend, even though I was a pain all the way leading up to it and complaining about not having one. Thank you!

So we got hit with another "wonderful" snowstorm yesterday. The news says we got about 8 inches of snow, yet I think it was closer to 10 - cause it really sucked cleaning up! Luckily my dad came over and plowed my driveway, cause there was no way I would have been able to shovel all that snow! Seriously, if Ryan is gone again next winter I'm gonna think about a townhouse for a few years - would just make more sense and would be a lot easier for me.

I did book my flight for my trip down to GA in March, not a bad price either $89. I'm only going one way and riding back with Ryan - but it will be a nice 5/6 day vacation!

Wedding Update: the gifts are still piling in! Everyday it seems like someone else is dropping off a present at the house. And THANK YOU EVERYONE! Now I can finally throw away/give away all the inexpensive items that I bought for the house just to hold me over till now. THANK YOU!

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